Dance as Therapy

During my seventeen years of teaching dancing I am most proud of the additional emotional benefits dancing brings to my clients.  It doesn’t matter whether I am teaching children, a group or a couple, or training dancers for their next competition, we all derive the same pleasure from the lessons.

Dancing is a healing therapy regardless of the age of the client or their initial goal. It improves memory, learning and balance.  Research shows that seniors who routinely participate in physical exercise can reverse the effects of ageing in the brain.  Dancing helps to overcome stress, anxiety and depression.  Dancing is a theraphy where combining both physical exercise and music for people is known to help those suffering from Dementia.  Physical and mental exercise contributes to a healthy life and learning different types of dance routines can rejuvenate the body and mind.  I have witnessed the positive impact of dancing many times and it is extremely satisfying and worthwhile. 

Check out this article…

Unlocking Healing Through Motion: A Guide to Dance Movement Therapy

Introduction to Dance Therapy

There is an unspoken, intrinsic connection between our minds and bodies, a silent dialogue that subtly influences our actions and emotions. Dance Therapy leverages this connection, using it as a tool to heal. It is a unique blend of art, psychology, and physical activity, all combined to foster mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Dance therapy, also known as dance movement therapy, emerged in the mid-20th century as an innovative approach to mental health treatment. It was based on the understanding that body and mind are interconnected and that movement can be a means of self-expression and communication. This form of therapy is centred around the belief that dance, as a form of art, can promote emotional, mental, and physical healing.

Dance therapy is not about performing or knowing how to dance. Instead, it is about using movement as a medium to explore personal feelings and emotions. It is about allowing the body to communicate what words cannot. In this article, we delve into the essence of dance movement therapy and explore the dance movement therapy exercises that can help unlock healing.

Understanding Dance Movement Therapy

Dance movement therapy is a holistic approach to healing that integrates the mind, body, and spirit. It is based on the premise that our emotions, thoughts, and experiences are reflected in our body movements. By examining these movements, a dance therapist can gain insights into a person's emotional and mental state and use movement to facilitate healing.

Dance movement therapy is a therapeutic approach that promotes self-awareness and emotional expression through dance and movement. It is a form of psychotherapy that uses movement to "speak" to our emotions and mental state. The therapy is usually administered in a group setting, although it can also be done individually.

Dance movement therapy is also an embodied approach, meaning it focuses on the body and its movements as a way to understand and address psychological issues. This therapy is unique because it recognises the body as a source of wisdom and insight and uses it as a tool to foster emotional and psychological healing.

Benefits of Dance Movement Therapy

The benefits of dance movement therapy are extensive and varied. For starters, this form of therapy can promote emotional health by helping individuals express their feelings and emotions through movement. It can also improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

Dance movement therapy can enhance physical health as well. It can improve coordination, flexibility, strength, and balance. Moreover, it can foster a positive body image and enhance self-esteem.

Finally, dance movement therapy can also boost social skills. As it is often done in a group setting, it provides opportunities for social interaction and connection. It can help individuals develop empathy, cooperation, and communication skills.

Dance Movement Therapy in London: An Overview

In London, dance movement therapy is gaining popularity as an effective therapeutic approach. It is being increasingly recognised for its ability to foster mental, emotional, and physical well-being. From private practices to healthcare institutions, dance movement therapy is being incorporated in various settings across the city.

Many London-based therapists are trained in dance movement therapy and offer this service to individuals of all ages. They provide a safe, non-judgemental space where individuals can explore and express their emotions through movement.

In London, dance movement therapy is also used in educational settings to support children's emotional and social development. Furthermore, it is being integrated into health and social care settings to support individuals with mental health issues, learning disabilities, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

How Dance Movement Therapy Works

Dance movement therapy works by using movement as a medium for self-expression and communication. It involves exploring one's movements and body language to gain insights into their emotions and mental state.

During a dance therapy session, the therapist encourages the individual to move, dance, or engage in other physical activities. The therapist observes these movements and uses them as a basis for understanding the individual's emotional and mental state.

The therapist then uses movement to facilitate healing. This can involve guiding the individual to move in certain ways or encouraging them to express their emotions through movement. The ultimate goal of dance movement therapy is to promote emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

Dance Therapy for Children: Why and How it Works

Dance therapy for children is a powerful tool for promoting emotional, mental, and physical well-being. It can help children express their emotions, enhance their self-esteem, and improve their social skills.

Dance therapy for children works by providing a safe and supportive environment where children can express themselves through movement. It can help children explore and understand their emotions, develop self-awareness, and build resilience.

Moreover, dance therapy for children can also enhance physical health. It can improve coordination, strength, and flexibility. It can also foster a positive body image and enhance self-esteem.

Understanding Dance and Movement Therapy Exercises

Dance and movement therapy exercises are activities that facilitate self-expression, emotional exploration, and physical well-being. They can be as simple as free-form dance or as structured as specific movement exercises.

These exercises are designed to promote self-awareness and emotional expression. They can involve any form of movement, from simple gestures to complex dance sequences. The key is that the movement should be meaningful to the individual and facilitate self-expression and emotional exploration.

Dance and movement therapy exercises can also promote physical well-being. They can improve coordination, strength, and flexibility. They can also foster a positive body image and enhance self-esteem.

Guide to Effective Dance Therapy Exercises

Effective dance therapy exercises are those that promote self-expression, emotional exploration, and physical well-being. They can involve any form of movement, from simple gestures to complex dance sequences.

Some effective dance therapy exercises include mirroring exercises, where individuals mirror each other's movements to foster empathy and connection; improvisation exercises, where individuals create their own movements to express their emotions; and movement exploration exercises, where individuals explore different ways of moving to enhance self-awareness.

These exercises can be done individually or in a group setting. They can be guided by a therapist or done independently. The key is to allow the body to express what words cannot and to use movement as a tool for healing.

How to Incorporate Dance Therapy into Your Routine

Incorporating dance therapy into your routine can be a powerful way to promote emotional, mental, and physical well-being. It can be as simple as setting aside time each day to move and dance freely, or it can involve attending regular dance therapy sessions.

Start by finding a quiet, private space where you can move freely. Begin with simple movements, such as stretching or swaying, and gradually incorporate more complex movements. Allow your body to express what words cannot, and use movement as a medium for self-expression and emotional exploration.

You can also incorporate dance therapy into your routine by attending regular dance therapy sessions. These sessions can provide a supportive and non-judgemental space where you can explore and express your emotions through movement.

Conclusion: Unlocking Healing Through Dance Therapy

Dance therapy is a powerful tool for healing. It leverages the intrinsic connection between our minds and bodies to promote emotional, mental, and physical well-being. By using movement as a medium for self-expression and communication, dance therapy can unlock healing and foster well-being.

Whether you're an individual seeking emotional healing, a parent looking for ways to support your child's development, or a healthcare professional looking for innovative approaches to treatment, dance therapy offers a unique and effective solution.

Are you interested in exploring dance therapy further? Contact Zoltan now to find out more about Dance Therapy.